
From 1980-2022, Tashiro published over 100 research papers in peer reviewed scientific journals and served on the authorial teams of four national policy studies by the Quality Education for Minorities Network (QEM). All of the QEM reports focused on models to improve evidence-based, inclusive educational opportunities for minority students in America. He also led the development and authorial teams that wrote 170 academic textbooks and study guides published by Harcourt Health Sciences and later by Elsevier Incorporated (which purchased Harcourt’s Health Sciences textbook companies).

His published nonfiction also includes a forward to a book that examined advances
in computer technology and programming to improve capacities for humanitarian
outreach. In his forward, Tashiro described how the same algorithms could easily
be modified to identify individuals for targeted propaganda, disseminate
misinformation, violate personal freedom, identify and persecute people, and
facilitate selective internment and incarceration—of course, these are the ugly
sides of technologies currently the focus of intense scrutiny.

Examples of Tashiro’s nonfiction writings can be found at the two links below.

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