Nonfiction: Suppose you’re reading a fictional work unfolding within a first-person retrospective narrative and you suspect the narrator is at times unreliable, even though you feel the narrator may not realize they’re unreliable. How do we, as reader, understand the narrative intention within modern conceptions of psychology, neurobiology, and a narrator’s willingness to act on what is believed true, especially when the narrator’s memories and their origins may not be true?
Fiction: After I’d fallen into Momma’s rose bushes as a toddler and again when I came home wounded from World War II, she reminded me of the Japanese proverb “fall seven times, stand up eight—七転び八起き.” Easier said than done.
Research: When we started building AI engines that could help us understand human misconception development during learning, my colleagues and I spent weeks challenging each other to describe how we could reduce and hopefully remove our own biases during self-analysis of what we believed to be true.