Jay-Shiro Tashiro, PhD, BA, BSN RN

Biographical Milestones

• 1980-1987: Faculty at Kenyon College (offered tenure in 1987).

• 1987-1990: Simon’s Rock of Bard College—Founding Director of
the Institute for Teaching Mathematics and Science to the American Adolescent.

• 1990-1993—Senior Researcher in the Science and Mathematics Learning Center, Northern Arizona University (offered tenured in 1992).

• 1993-1996—Director of the Northern Arizona University Center for Environmental Sciences and Education (1993-1996).

• 1996-1999—Senior Research Associate in the College of Nursing, Northern Arizona University (also a BSN student during that time).

• 1987-2012—With $20 million USD in funding Tashiro conducted research in the area of learning and misconception formation. Over $7 million of that funding was awarded by the publishing groups Harcourt Health Sciences and Elsevier Incorporated (which had acquired Harcourt). The developmental funding from Harcourt and Elsevier allowed Tashiro to design and create unique types of textbooks and educational simulations for healthcare students (Tashiro received over $4.3 million USD in royalties from subsequent sales of these learning environments).

• 2006-Present—Recruited as a tenured Full Professor by Ontario Tech University, Tashiro guided development and implementation of the Health Education Technology Research Unit as well as providing guidance for creation of the Health Information Management Program and the Graduate Program in the Faculty of Health Sciences.

• 2010-2012—With funding from the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, Tashiro worked in Hong Kong, Canada, Austria, and the United States to build and evaluate hardware-software adaptive-inclusive learning platforms that could provide new types of assessments of learning-skills outcomes at all levels of education.

• 2012-2022—Ongoing research with colleagues from around the world includes development of teaching-learning-assessment systems that can track and analyze misconception development during learning.

• 2020-2021—Stanford University Online Novel Writing Program (completed and revised the PeaceBoy novel duology).

• Editorial Experience from 1973-2022—Tashiro has served as an editor or assistant to the editor of well-respected scientific journals from 1973-2022. During 2014-2016, he served as an Assistant Editor for the Story of the Week Team at Narrative Magazine. Tashiro continues to serve on the Program Committee of the International Conference of Blended Learning, providing review and editing of submitted papers.

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